3D Printing in Restorative Dentistry eBook
90+ pages of state-of-the-art materials, workflows, and applications by Dr. Wally Renne and Dr. Michael DeFee.
This ebook is designed to explore some applications of 3D printing in dentistry. Dr. Renne and Dr. DeFee mostly show Flexcera resin applications by Desktop Health, but many of the techniques can be applied to other resins.
The content in the attached links were prepared by the MOD and reflect their own professional opinions and judgment, and not those of Desktop Health. Desktop Health disclaims any and all liability to the extent related to or arising from any of the statements made in any of the MOD materials.
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- 90+ pages of step-by-step content
- Monolithic and split file dentures
- Metal-free partials
- Implant provisionals
- Occlusal guards
- Restoration techniques

Monolithic Copy Technique and How to Characterize

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